
The Police commissionerate is situated at Barrackpore and is divided into Three Zones (i) North Zone (ii) Central Zone and (iii) South Zone. The commissionerate is responsible for law enforcement over an area of 269.5 sqkm area with 25 (twenty-five ) police stations under it.

The commissionerate is headed by the Commissioner of Police, Shri Alok Rajoria, who is an IPS Officer.

There is one Deputy Commissioner of Police (HQ), one Deputy Commissioner for the North Zone, one Deputy Commissioner for the Central Zone and one Deputy Commissioner of Police for the South Zone. Barrackpore Police District along with Bidhannagar Police District and North 24-Parganas Police District were created by dividing the existing North 24-Parganas District by an order of Government of West Bengal in January, 2012.

The areas and boundaries of 25 (twenty-five ) Police Stations namely Bizpore, Naihati, Jagaddal, Noapara, Barrackpore, Titagarh, Khardah, Ghola, Belghoria, Baranagar, Nimta and Dum Dum were covered under Barrackpore Police District. New Barrackpore P.S was setup on 07.03.2015 into the jurisdiction by dividing areas under Ghola P.S. Bhatpara P.S.was setup on 20.06.2019 into the jurisdiction by dividing areas under Jagaddal PS and Rahara PS. was setup on 18/03/2020 into the jurisdiction by dividing ares under Khardah PS. 02 (Two) New Police Stations 1- Halisahar Police Station and 2- Mohanpur Police Station on 09/05/2022 and 03 (Three) New Police Stations 1-  Jetia Police Station, 2- Shibdaspur Police Station, 3- Basudebpur Police Station on 28/04/2022 and 03 (Three) New Police Stations 1- Kamarhati Police Station, 2- Nagerbazar Police Station and 3-Dakshineswar Police Station on 15/04/2022 and Women police station was setup on 07/03/2014 at 106 no. Artilary Road, Orderly Bazar under this Commissionerate to solve the problem Crime against Women, Human Trafficking, Operation Smile, Operation Muskan, Police Assistance Booth etc. Cyber Crime Police Station was setup on 25/02/2015 at 106 no. Artilary Road, Orderly Bazar, Barrackpore, Kolkata -120 to register and solve the cyber related cases like Identity Theft, Cyber Stalking, Hacking, Cyber Pornography etc. The areas under the Police District were declared to be metropolitan area. The administration of Police in metropolitan area of Barrackpore is vested in the Commissioner of Police, Barrackpore, a designated officer with the powers and authorities throughout the metropolitan area of Barrackpore under the Police Act, 1861 or under any other Act under the general control and supervision of Director General and Inspector General of Police, West Bengal. 

The Commissioner of Police, Barrackpore has been conferred all powers of an Executive Magistrate in relation to the metropolitan area and also the power to exercise all the functions of Magistrate of the district in respect of the Barrackpore Metropolitan area.
